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Category : Guides

Nexiton LCD Serial Prog Pass Through (Tip)

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I have recently made an Infomation display for a friend using an ESP32 driving a Nexiton HMI LCD display This is the first time i have used these displays and have been impressed with the results . These are serial based displays that have a HMI that is first designed on Nexiton’s IDE desktop software [...]

(project / Guide) RFID login

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I wanted a simple way of quickly logging on to my computer without having to typing my password in and did not want to have no security either. There are various products on the market that would solve this problem from fingerprint readers to proximity dongles but i decided to see what i could knock up with parts i mainly already had. Looking in my micro stuff i had a RC522 RFID tag reader 3.3v : Also an 3.3v arduino Leonardo clone aswell based on a sparkfun pro micro which also can act as a USB device such as a keyboard. This is useful as if a 5v arduino was used a level shifter would be required due to the RC522 not being 5v torrent. [...]

Transforming old speakers

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A while back i was given a pair of Mission book shelf speakers which had been painted in the past but best of all for free! .  The Speakers, tweeters and grills were in good nick and sounded good but just didn't look very nice.  I always wanted a set of oak speaker cabinets to match my lounge furniture and decided to investigate if i could re-cover the speakers in oak veneer to achieve the look i wanted. [...]

How to make a web interface for Raspberry Pi with Flask

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Here's an example of how to build a python based web server usingflask library to control a LED via form button. Do take a look at  my music server post for an application - I used a similar webapp to control functions as reboot , shutdown for my music server.The following guide is written assuming the reader has a basic understanding of Html, Raspberry Pi and python scripting. [...]